
NB! This is a conference only happening on-site, with one plenary presentation being presented online.

There will be nine parallel sessions, please find the descriptions here:

  • Social and economic aspects
  • Wetlands biogeochemistry
  • Hydrology
  • Wetlands ecology and biodiversity
  • Tropical wetlands
  • Use of wetland ecosystems
  • Wetland restoration
  • Wetlands monitoring
  • Peatlands

Call for sessions and topics: suggest your session

Suggest a workshophere

The detailed programme of oral presentations will be announced: 1st May, 2025

See more about our plenary speakers here

Preliminary Programme

Sunday, 29th June 2025
Pre-conference programme: Pre-conference workshops
INTECOL Wetlands 2025: Registration & Welcome Reception
Monday, 30th June 2025
8:30–12:30Opening & Plenary session 
14:00–17:25Parallel sessions 1 & 2
18:00–20:00Poster session
Tuesday, 1st July 2025
8:30–12:30Plenary presentation(s) & Parallel sessions
14:00–18:00Parallel sessions
18:00–20:00Poster session
Wednesday, 2nd July 2025
8:00–16:30Technical tours (lunchboxes included)
19:00–22:00Symposium dinner
Thursday, 3rd July 2025 
8:30–12:40Plenary presentation(s) & Parallel sessions
14:00–14:45Plenary presentation(s) & Parallel sessions
18:00–20:00Poster session
Friday, 4th July 2025
8:30–13:00Plenary presentation(s) & Parallel sessions
13:00–13:30Closing session
Post-conference programme 
5th to 6th July 2025Excursion

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