Plenary speakers – continuously updated!

Prof. Max Finlayson

Charles Sturt University, Australia
Interactions Between Human Well-Being and Wetlands Health in the Anthropocene

Prof. Lulie Melling

Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (TROPI),
Maludam National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia
Tropical wetlands

Prof. William Mitsch

Florida Gulf Coast University, USA
Wetlands’ Role in Biosphere

Prof. Erik Jeppesen

Aarhus University, Denmark
Global Lakes in Warming World

Prof. Line Rochefort

Groupe de recherche en écologie des tourbières
Université Laval, Canada

Interactions between human society and wetlands’ status; Peatland Restoration: 30 years Experience

Dr. Jenny Watts

Woodwell Climate Research Center, USA
Permafrost Pathways
Permafrost Thaw and Global Warming: Perspectives for Arctic Wetlands?

Prof. Jan Vymazal

Czech University of Life Sciences, Czechia
Perspectives for Constructed Wetlands as Nature -Based Solutions for Sustainable Water Management

Prof. Anne Poelina

University of Notre Dame, Broome, Australia
Wetlands in Indigeneous People’s Life and Culture
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