
Before or after conference you are most welcome to explore Estonia

  • Official name: Republic of Estonia
  • Population: 1.3 million
  • Area: 45,227 square km
  • Currency: EUR
  • Official language: Estonian
  • Member of: EU, Eurozone, OECD, NATO and Schengen

All information about visiting Estonia you will find here – on the Visit Estonia webpage.                              

Estonia has a very rich and beautiful nature. 51% of the mainland is covered with forests, and 20% of the country is national parks. We have limestone cliffs in the north, lake-studded hills in the south, a 3,800-km-long coastline perfect for yachting, over 2,000 islands, and many sandy beaches. Wetlands almost entirely surround Estonia and its mainland is covered with mires and their remnants – peat bogs (totaling 22.3% of the mainland). Therefore, Estonia is the second best place after Spain for bird watching in Europe. We have a low population density and 4th urban air quality in the world. There is always clean water for swimming and drinking. The clean environment also produces pure food. It is a very good environment for living.

It’s your turn to live the #EstonianWay

Many Estonian traditions are recognized by UNESCO

  • Tallinn’s Medieval Old Town
  • Kihnu Island’s lifestyle
  • Võrumaa’s smoke sauna traditions
  • the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration
  • the Seto Leelo singing tradition
  • Struve’s Geodetic Arc
  • West Estonian archipelago
  • Tartu – city of literature

Tallinn – lonely planet named the „Best Value Destination“ for 2018

Streets of Tallinn old town
Tallinn old town

Estonia is a most digital society in the world. 99% of state services are online, and the country is covered with fast 4G internet. All hotels and most restaurants/cafés offer free WiFi. Estonia is the world’s first country to also function as a digital service. Our unique approach is to offer a variety of state services to people outside of Estonia. Register a company online, digitally sign and exchange encrypted documents, conduct secure online bank transfers, and make tax declarations electronically.

In 2005, Estonia became the first nation to offer internet voting in a nationwide election. Estonia is the first country to offer e-Residency, a government-issued digital ID available to anyone. E-Residency offers the freedom to easily start and run a global business in a trusted EU environment. Since 2014 more than 53,000+ people have applied for e-residency and established more than 6800+ companies.

Business in Estonia
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