Technical tours

(to be confirmed)

Tour 1

The forest ecosystems study sites in the Järvselja Training and Experimental Forest Center: free air humidity manipulation forest station (FAHM), experimental drained peatland forest experimental station for full C & N cycle measurements, SMEAR Estonia (Station Measuring Forest-Atmosphere Relations) for the local regional flux analyses.

Agali stationSMEARFAHM


Tour 2

The industrial oil-shale region in North-East Estonia (oil-shale open-pit mine, restoration of mined areas) and Lake Peipsi.

Kiviõli ash mountain Lake Peipsi


Tour 3

Emajõgi River, Lake Võrtsjärv, and the limnological station + a constructed wetland for buffering agricultural runoff (Vända constructed wetland), berry cultivation in a former peat extraction area.

Vända constructed wetlandVõrtsjärv Lake


Tour 4

Otepää and Karula hilly areas with several protected sites and cultural features (Sangaste Castle), an old forest study station (Soontaga eddy covariance tower).

Karula hilly areaSoontagaSangaste castle


Tour 5

Meenikunno raised bog, traditions and culture of Seto people and a visit to the Piusa-Võmmorski protected area where we explore the outcome of the restoration of a heathland ecosystem and the creation of a habitat for the Northern crested newt (Triturus cristatus) in an abandoned quarry.

Meenikunno bogPiusaSeto people


Tour 6

Männikjärve natural raised bog and peatland restoration sites in Laiuse and Endla.

Männikjärve bogRestoration in Endla
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